
Celebrating Success

At Falmouth School we strive to sustain an environment where students are recognised for every effort they make and sustain to have a successful and exciting school day. We want all our students to be extraordinary and mighty in their ambition and achievements. There are a number of ways our students are praised. rewarded and how their success is celebrated across the school. The Falmouth School Cultures underpin our praise system.

We continue expanding the praise repertoire and student voice enables us to navigate the development further. The ClassCharts system enables us to communicate instantly with the parents and students when praise is given. 

A student may be recognised through:

  • positive comments in class or through marking
  • receiving praise points that are linked to our school cultures and learning achievements
  • receiving certificates and ‘queue jump’ passes for a number of students in each year group
  • being entered into the half-term raffle draw for the highest engagement in Sparx / Tassomai
  • being invited to the ‘Film Afternoon’ with other peers achieving a similar milestone
  • enjoying the Year 11 Praise afternoon
  • celebrating the students’ success on the school social media, website, school publications, such as the Falmouth Eagle, receiving postcards
  • receiving awards at the termly Praise Events and being awarded the blazer badge for their exceptional skills & knowledge
  • nominations for external awards
  • We would love to recognise everything our students do in our local community too. You can get in touch and praise a student/students through our ‘Contact Us’ page. Email your message to the attention of Learning Leader. 

Every Day Success

We  want to praise students who get it right every day. Every student can start their school day by achieving the ‘Gold Star Standard’.

The Gold Star Standard is achieved when the following three standards are met:

  1. Arriving in correct uniform

  2. Being Punctual (arriving on time to school and Morning Greeting)

  3. Bringing the correct equipment 

This means that every student has the same opportunity to gain positive praise for being learning ready. 

As part of the further system refinement, a student who meets the homework deadline, receives a point for ‘Ambition’.