
Our Curriculum Vision

Ambition, global-mindedness and kindness lie at the heart of our curriculum offer at Falmouth School. It is through the promotion of these key themes that we aim to nurture aspiration amongst students and equip them to consider thoughtfully their own futures and that of our planet.

We focus on ensuring that students gain core, foundational skills and a global knowledge base. All students throughout their 7-year journey will study a diverse range of writers, thinkers and scientists and all students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their expressive, ethical and intellectual capabilities.

Creativity is valued and students have opportunities to use their knowledge, skills and learning to produce performances, artwork and project outcomes in line with our values as a school. Critical thinking is valued and students will learn to ‘disagree well’ and question sources of information. We encourage critical thinking and acceptance of a broad range of voices. Students at Falmouth School are encouraged to ask questions as part of their learning and recognise that all their learning is linked. Students are also taught that making mistakes is an avenue to improvement and the importance of creating and following their own lines of enquiry.

We recognise that students we welcome at Falmouth School come from a range of backgrounds and experiences and our curriculum is ambitious for all. As such, we believe that inclusivity is key. We understand that all students have different starting points but must have the opportunity to study the same content and access the same knowledge. All students work towards the same goals.

We understand the importance of student outcomes in ensuring learners have the best possible range of choices once they complete their journey with us and we work hard to ensure that students leave with the best possible grades to enable them to pursue their goals and ambitions.

As a result of the implemented curriculum at Falmouth School, learners become:

  • Knowledgeable. They have a broad, meaningful and global knowledge base.
  • Inquirers. The know how to ask good questions.
  • Good communicators. They communicate complex ideas and concepts fluently.
  • Reflective. They change their methods and practice in response to experience.
  • Kind. They apply their knowledge with a view to the needs of others.
  • Risk-takers. They are willing to be wrong in order to learn something new.