Embarking on an educational journey at our school is an exhilarating experience. In Years 7, 8, and 9, students dive into a captivating and diverse curriculum meticulously crafted to encompass the National Curriculum for England. Yet, we go above and beyond by introducing enriching materials tailored to empower our students to achieve their goals.
As they progress into Year 10, a world of possibilities unfolds as students gain the freedom to choose their subjects. While some constraints exist in Years 10 and 11 to ensure a well-rounded education, there's still ample room for students to explore their passions and interests.
In Years 12 and 13, students have the freedom to select from a wide array of subjects, shaping their academic path according to their aspirations. We eagerly anticipate welcoming your children to our post-16 Falmouth College, where they'll embark on the next exciting chapter of their educational journey!
Options Evening - January 15th:
Please save the date for the Options Evening on January 15th. This event will provide you with a more in-depth understanding of the GCSE subjects your child can choose from. You will have the chance to discuss these options further with subject teachers, ensuring you make informed decisions that align with your child's interests and aspirations. The event will take place at Falmouth School from 5pm-7pm and there will be a short presentation at various points throughout the evening to cover the key points about the process and to provide some hints and tips on how to make the right choices. Light refreshments will be provided.
Deadline for Options Decisions - February 14th:
The deadline for submitting your child's GCSE options decisions is February 14th. Please ensure you complete the Google Form, which will be sent following the Options Evening event, to make the necessary selections for your child's academic path.
I would take this opportunity to share with you that while we will make every effort to honour a student's first choice, certain constraints such as timetabling or staffing restrictions may impact the final allocation. Additionally, all students must choose either History or Geography, and we highly recommend that they include a language in their options to meet the EBacc requirements.
We encourage you to actively participate in the options event to ensure that you are well-informed and confident in the choices made for your child's academic journey. Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in your child's education. Should you have any immediate questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.