
Mobile Phones

At Falmouth School, we believe that creating a mobile-free environment allows our students the opportunity to engage more fully with their learning and peers, free from digital distractions and so support the guidance. However, rather than ban phones from site, we prefer the option of ‘never used, seen or heard’. Therefore please find below our “Off and Away All Day” guidance for students.

As a school, we have designed the ‘Off and Away All Day’ approach as we understand that some of our students may need their phones because of their journey to and from school or because of medical reasons. To keep in line with government guidance, we ask that all students keep their phones off and stored away in their bag throughout the school day - not in pockets or on their person. It is therefore important all students come to school with a school bag which is an essential part of our school equipment to ensure students are organised and ready for learning. At the moment, there is one exception for using a phone in our school and that is for photography lessons where students can use their camera on their phone.